It’s February and if you follow hallmark holidays, it’s the month your heart gets more attention. Personally, I think it’s a good practice to give your heart attention all year long. Either way, aligning with your heart is definitely another way to access wellness. Attending to your heart offers emotional, physical and mental health benefits. I’m currently working on something that is a heart inspired practice.
Heart Journey
Since I’ve been teaching pilates for 21 years I’ve been thinking about how my life has benefited, how this practice of pilates has opened up my own awareness to myself, my body and helping others. The expanding movement capacity and strengthening potential I’ve experienced has been steady. I had no idea that so many years later I would be the owner of a pilates studio for 7+ years and offering pilates and movement as my life’s work.
When I first started I was very much focused on other goals as an aspiring performer. In the beginning, teaching pilates was a good way to make ends meet. It was a decent way to support myself as I pursued other things. Getting more familiar with the philosophy of pilates and what it offers wasn’t really in the forefront of my mind. Then drop by drop, bit by bit, as time moved forward I continued to work as a pilates teacher, learning and experiencing more. It became clear that there was something effective and transformative happening through this work. Pilates was and is different from other physical wellness and health practices. The focus on alignment, strengthening, breath and balance are necessary values that benefit everyone. In retrospect, the impact it has made on my life, my health and those I’ve had the pleasure to teach is indisputable.
Then I discovered conscious dance/movement about 10 years ago and that offered another layer of my own wellness and personal evolution. With this, there was an instant recognition of coming home to myself. Now that I’ve been teaching Open Floor for 4 years I’ve seen my movement journey expand exponentially. There is a deeper internal (emotional, mental, spiritual) aspect available with these practices which is subtle but undeniable once you’ve experienced it.
Both Pilates and Open Floor offers embodied support while integrating whole health and wellness. It has helped me live my life more deliberately, too.
Something to share
With this insight, I’ve created a short mini practice linking both of these passions. Along with mindfulness and meditation, both of these movement experiences have inspired me, my heart, my health and my life. The impact has left an indelible mark of positivity and hope. After working with MANY different bodies and ages, especially women, I’ve come to learn of a common longing pulsing through all of us. A desire to become more connected, more acquainted with our fullest potential. A desire for change inside. A readiness to change. With these practices, we begin to access this possibility. The potential to expand is available. To allow and trust movement into the body and life whether for the first time or all over again is powerful, potent and purposeful. The best news is that this desire for wholeness and fluidity becomes accessible.
This short mini practice I’ve created can be done in the comfort of your own home. It only takes about 35 – 45 minutes. It’s called ATTUNE WITH YOUR BODY – A four step guide to connect with yourself from the inside out. If any of this sounds curious or intriguing – check it out. Leave your name and email here and it will be sent to you in a descriptive PDF and video format that you can access for free.
A place to start
This experience is merely an entry point. A snapshot into further insight and knowledge accessible in each of us. You can practice this mini program as often as you wish, I think it would be useful if you do! Do it often – daily, weekly… you know what’s best. Are you listening? Support and comfort is waiting. It’s starts precisely where you are.
For those reading this who are already happily content with your weekly pilates or movement practices… Awesome! Keep it up! I applaud you. You already know what a blessing it is for yourself and your life! On the other hand, if you are looking for further support and a way to check in more regularly with yourself, on your own time… Try this out. See for yourself what might be discovered. The process of uncovering, revealing and aligning more fully with yourself is so worth it! I promise.
Stay in touch.
About the Author:
With 21 years experience, Christina has a wealth of knowledge to share about pilates, conscious movement and mindfulness. Check back here for inspiration, new insights, upcoming offerings and more. Thanks for stopping by.