“There’s no place like home.” Dorothy Gale
The good witch of the North, Glinda, was onto something when she spoke of having the power to go home anytime.
Just like in the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy realized after her harrowing journey that the power to return home was always right under her nose. Literally. Yes. I’m gonna side with the notion that no matter how far away from home you roam you always have the power to come home in yourself. It’s a useful metaphor. I’d like to offer something in addition which is a tangible and solid resource that we can lean into. Physically.
Those ruby red slippers were a sight to behold. Although for the sake of this post, we’ll go barefoot. 3 clicks of the heels pack a powerful punch. Remembering a simple phrase like “there’s no place like home” whisked Dorothy back to her familiar surroundings and those she loved. Our feet – specifically our heels – are a useful and stabilizing tool to connect with. It offers a strong sense of our bodies and ourselves. With the heels there is an innate alignment feeding up into our pelvis and glutes that connect directly with our lower abdominal muscles. I’ve come to realize through my pilates and movement journey that the heels carry a treasure trove of support. When you access your heels from the bottom up it shifts the awareness and brings more attention to resting in the back of the body. When integrated with a long spine and lifting up through the crown of the head, balance is more readily available.
Next time you take a walk
Notice do you move through your whole foot? Meaning do you start with your heel and finish with your toes? There is a clarity and innate assistance that happens when we start with the heel. Check it out when you walk up stairs, too. Do you step or maybe even jump from one step to the next on your toes? When you do this it puts the focus on the front of the leg and knee. When you step with your heel there is a deeper connection waiting for you. This activates a more supportive stance and gait. The hamstrings kick into gear and those muscles are intimately connected to your core support.
Here’s another: Stand up with your feet about 2-3 inches apart. Feel the weight of you move into your heels. Let yourself rest in your back body. As you bend your knees keep funneling the energy through the heels into the floor and when you start to extend and stretch the legs continue to keep the heels rooted. Do this a few times, up and down, bending the knees and then stretching up through the crown of the head. Keep pressing through your heels while your body moves in both directions. It’s a great way to check in and reconnect with yourself.
While this awareness and clarity in your movement is good for you in general. It might be especially useful if you suffer from knee or hip pain or strain. Building this support through your back line with awareness may offer some relief. See for yourself.
Fyi: if you are suffering from severe pain of any kind this tidbit is only an initial support. In this case, the support of a physician or physical therapist is recommended.
Remember to follow your heels toward deeper alignment with your body.
About the Author:
With 21 years experience, Christina has a wealth of knowledge to share about pilates, conscious movement and mindfulness. Check back here for inspiration, new insights, upcoming offerings and more. Thanks for stopping by.