Dawn of a new day
A new year. A new decade. How good that it’s winter and we can see the bare branches of trees in their essence. I love to see them bare against an open sky. This is the best place to start, fully revealed. I love the clarity of it. There is a sense of renewed possibility that lingers when I take in the vastness. How convenient that it’s 2020. Clear vision is something that benefits all of us. When we see and know something clearly we are able to move forward with the appropriate intentions. There is a sense of purpose in our choices. While intentions definitely aren’t everything they’re a great beginning.
As the year unfolds and the calendar days march on there is a reemerging that happens in the spring. The leaves begin to bud, blossom, flourish and explode into full color and beauty. The trees begin to change their shapes. The fullness of summer creates a vibrant energy filled with light and shadow, hot and cool. Then in the fall there is another transition the harvest season nourishes us. The colors change hue offering another tapestry for our senses to admire. After this, the winds of change continue to move and finally release those leaves. Once more their branches are bare. After fully letting go we begin the cycle again.
Seasons come and go
How many times in our life do we go through this kind of transformation? While each stage is necessary, nourishing and beautiful – we sometimes enjoy one phase more than another. We are either a hot weather person or a cold weather person. It can be challenging to remember that each phase has its place and it may be that a certain stage feels more potent than another. It’s not good or bad it’s simply part of life’s evolution. If we allow ourselves to settle in and trust each, even a little, how much more could we enjoy all of them? That’s what I hope today in these musings and prospects for the start of another year.
As 2020 gets underway, I’ll continue to share tidbits here. It could be a tip or inspiration as you continue on your movement journey. Whatever might help you feel good in your body we’ll keep it mindful and physical, knowing that our bodies offer a library of knowledge we can learn and grow with. There are varying perspectives and insights to be gained when we open the book and allow the wealth of knowledge to inform and support us. My hope for this new year is to continue to build and expand this insight, drop by drop into a collection of resources we all have access to. Outlining and sharing ways that help support your body to thrive through movement and mindfulness. So let me start here, at the dawn of a new decade. A new year.
Start here
Take a moment now. Go shut the door. Return to a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes. Feel your body seated on the chair. Allow your weight to be supported. Settle. Let your listening expand out to the furthest most distant sound. Notice the inhale and exhale. Rest here for a minute or two (longer if you have the time). If thoughts race hither and thither… come back to your breath. Let the inhale and the exhale support you. It does that automatically, without effort. Even for a fleeting moment. There… you’ve just given yourself another opportunity for a fresh start!
Listen to this video for support if needed. You can come back to it as many times as you need.
May this new day, new year and new decade reveal many new insights to carry you forward with confidence, hope, and a fresh perspective. Best wishes to you for 2020 and beyond ~
About the Author:
With 21 years experience, Christina has a wealth of knowledge to share about pilates, conscious movement and mindfulness. Check back here for inspiration, new insights, upcoming offerings and more. Thanks for stopping by.